Geoff Scargill, until recently Chairman of the North West Branch, Executive member and Chairman of the Branch Chairmen’s committee, has been awarded the Society’s Certificate of Merit for his unstinting contribution to the Society and its work.
Over many years, Geoff has given of his time in order to ensure that the Society continues to thrive, particularly in areas where interest in Elgar and his music was either in danger of neglect or was in need of development. Due to his support new branches have been set up and some existing branches have been saved from extinction, both benefiting from his support and guidance. Most recently, Geoff has been a great supporter of and prime mover in establishing a Society affiliate in Germany which is now thriving and helping to encourage both performance and a better understanding of Elgar’s music. Many members will have enjoyed the trips that he organised to Germany.
Geoff continues to serve on the Council of the Society.